"No Bread" lunch ideas: One for every day of the week!


Need some inspiration on how to cut down on bread? It's a very easy habit to find yourself reaching for bread at meals throughout the day. Sometimes it's just too easy, fills you up and ticks the box... but a diet high in poor quality, energy dense carbohydrates is not good for your health and let's face it, it's definitely not good for your waistline! So I have put together five nutritious and simple to prepare "no bread" lunch ideas ....... one for every day of the week!


Coconut Curried Carrot Soup with Spiced Chickpeas (The addition of protein rich chickpeas makes it a "meal of a soup". No bread needed ... just a second bowl if you fancy it!) 


Omelette Wraps

Eggs are a wonderfully easy meal. Packed with protein, great fats and a great balance of minerals and vitamins, eggs make a perfect meal that will keep blood sugar stable and you feeling fuller longer.


Warm Chickpea and Aubergine Bake

Eat it in a bowl on its own or with a great salad. This tastes even better a day or two later ... so make plenty!


Quinoa Salad with Roasted Tomatoes and Avocado

Try quinoa! ... A lot of people have said to me they have tried quinoa and it ended up a big mushy mess. My tip in cooking quinoa is toast it first on a dry pan for only a couple of minutes, tossing/sharking pan regularly (avoid burning it) and they boil in 1 cup quinoa to 1 1/2 to 2 cups water. The packets tell you to use 5 cups of water which I think creates the "mush". Quinoa is a great protein packed addition to salads, soups or main meals.