Five reasons you should be adding Push Ups to your daily routine

Five reasons you should be adding Push Ups to your daily routine


The Push Up is a great exercise to strengthen and tone the full body in one movement. The modifications and variations to the push up mean it can be done by everyone no matter what your fitness level is. 

Here are five powerful reasons for adding the Push up to your weekly/daily routine:

1.    Strengthens and tones the whole body with one exercise

Push ups strengthen both upper and lower body in one movement with no equipment needed and are an excellent full body exercise to add to your weekly workouts. With correct form, push-ups help strengthen 

  • Chest muscles

  • Shoulders

  • Triceps

  • Biceps

  • Upper back muscles

  • Core

  • Hips

  • Legs

2.     Promote strong bone formation and healthy joints 

Push-ups don’t only strengthen muscles, they also help strengthen joints and bones. This is hugely beneficial especially as we get older and our joints and bones get weaker. Weight bearing exercises such as the push up stimulates bone formation, because bone put under moderate stress responds by building density and reducing the risk of fractures.

3.    Reduce body fat, Improve body composition and help manage weight
Push ups like all strength building exercises increase muscle mass throughout your body and help to support a faster metabolism so your body burn more calories at rest.

4.    Helps improve posture and body alignment
If you spend a lot of time sitting, your posture might be taking a toll. The push-up engages and strengthens your back and core muscles and helps build a strong, stable. healthy posture and avoid injuries. 

5.     An exercise everyone can do no matter what your fitness level is
The nice thing about push-ups is that they come with many variations and modifications. It is easy to modify how you do your push-ups to suit your fitness/strength level and make them more challenging as you get stronger. If you are just starting you can do your push ups standing against a wall progressing to push ups in a box position, on your knees and hands, on your hands and toes and then the variations are endless!