Core and Abs Conditioning

Here is a great 10 minute workout to strengthen and tone the core and abs.

Eight exercises to challenge and train your core and abdominals.

Try 10-20 of each exercise and complete as many rounds as you can in 10 minutes. This isn’t about speed however, work on moving with control and strength.

Lock in the abdominals and keep the lower back safe and strong.

  1. Plank with alternative leg drops - work on keeping pelvis stable throughout movement

  2. Toe taps to alternative sides - again keep pelvis “quiet”

  3. Ab Splitters - three moves in one

  4. Scissors

  5. Scissors with pulse

  6. Side plank hip opener with crunch on right

  7. Side plank hip opener with crunch on left

  8. Plank with alternative arm reach out - try keep whole body as still as possible as you move arms