Banana Chia Seed Oat Bars


These are the easiest baked oat bars you can make. No equipment needed apart from a weighing scales, bowl and a large spoon ... and an oven of course!

They freeze great too so you can bake them on a Sunday and have them for snacks/lunchboxes/sports etc all week.


120mls milk (almond milk if you prefer dairy free)

6 tablespoons of chia seeds (I didn't have any today so used linseeds!)

120g of butter melted (coconut oil for dairy free)

2 tablespoon of honey

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

4 bananas mashed

2-3 teaspoons of cinnamon

250grams of porridge oats

120grams of unsweetened coconut

120grams of spelt wholewheat flour

1 1/2  teaspoon of baking powder


In a bowl mix chia seeds, melted butter (or coconut oil), milk, honey, and vanilla extract.  Add mashed bananas to mixture. In another bowl mix dry ingredients and add wet mixture to dry and stir well. Scoop batter into a greased pan and smooth out. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for about 20 minutes until its begin to go golden and its slightly firm to touch. Allow to cool fully before cutting into small squares. Makes about 30.

Mark Anderson
Beautifully presented hand made framed limited edition photographs.

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