Holiday HIIT Workout. Just need a chair!

Holidays can be a difficult time to keep weight under control and all too often clients come back to me and feel disheartened when we do measurements. However, it is possible to have a great holiday, enjoy yourself and stay strong, fit and toned. I always give my clients specific action points/areas to work on after every consultation.

It is only by working on changing behaviour over a period of time that new habits are formed and instilled. Well here's my action point for all of your heading off to the sun for your 2 week holiday. Stay mindful when eating, enjoy your food but don't overindulge everyday (its okay here and there!) and keep active - fit in a HIIT workout most days. I will be posting a number of Holiday HIIT workouts on my blog over the coming month. Try fit in a few over the holiday period and come back feeling and looking great!