Outdoor Workout No. 3

Outdoor Workout No. 3 will strengthen and tone your abs as well as boost power & cardio fitness! (with all those burpees between exercises) 

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I think a few pieces of resistance equipment is well worth the investment if you train at home. The few pieces I use regularly are a kettlebell, a medicine ball and a sandbag. In this workout I use a 10kg sandbag to add resistance and really challenge myself. I never go super heavy with any equipment and only use between a 6kg and 10kg weight for exercises to ensure I keep good form.

You can of course modify this workout without using the bag at all.

So Outdoor Workout No. 3 is another HIIT workout. 30 seconds work on each exercise with 10 seconds rest between each exercise. Try to complete as many of each exercise in the 30 second time period. One round is 8 exercises, challenge yourself to see how many rounds you can do!


Workout Exercises

  1. Burpees
  2. Burpee squat and overhead press
  3. Burpees
  4. Bag Pulls
  5. Burpees
  6. 3-in-1 Abs
  7. Burpees
  8. Ab Splitters